Open Rails Diesel Locomotive Standard Physics Parameters
Aim - this section describes the basic standard physics parameters required to correctly define a diesel locomotive in Open Rails Train Simulator. For advanced physics parameters see the Advanced Diesel Setting Parameters.
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Note: The default unit of measure (UoM) shown in the "Recommended Input Units" column is the UoM value that OR assumes if no UoM is included in the parameter statement.
Parameter | ENG or WAG | Description | Recommended Input Units | Suggested settings | New or Existing | Typical Examples |
General Information | ||||||
Type ( x ) | ENG | The type of locomotive. | Text | As per loco specs. Can be either: Diesel, Steam, Electric or Control | Existing | Type ( Diesel ) |
WheelRadius ( x ) | ENG | Radius of drive wheels | Distance - m, cm, mm, km, in, ft, in/2 Default - m | As per loco specs | Existing | WheelRadius ( 0.648m ) WheelRadius ( 36in ) |
ORTSNumberDriveAxles ( x ) | ENG | Number of driven axles on the locomotive. | Number | As per locomotive Specs | New | ORTSNumberDriveAxles ( 4 ) |
ORTSNumberAxles ( x ) | WAG | Number of axles on the wagon. | Number | As per wagon Specs | New | ORTSNumberAxles ( 4 ) |
ORTSDriveWheelWeight ( x ) | ENG | Total weight on the drive wheels of the locomotive. | Mass - lbs, kg, t, t-uk, t-us Default - kg | As per loco specs. | Existing | ORTSDriveWheelWeight ( 109.5t-uk ) |
AntiSlip ( x ) | ENG | Indicates whether antislip system is present. | Factor | As per loco specs. 0 = no antislip, 1 = antislip | Existing | AntiSlip ( 0 ) |
ORTSWheelSlipCausesThrottleDown ( x ) | ENG / ORTS | Indicates antislip system should automatically reduce the throttle setting to zero if wheel slip occurs. | Factor | As per loco specs. 0 = no throttle down, 1 = throttledown | New | ORTSWheelSlipCausesThrottleDown ( 1 ) |
Diesel Prime Mover (Engine) | ||||||
ORTSDieselEngineMaxPower ( x ) | ENG | The maximum power of the diesel prime mover (engine). | Power - W, kW, HP Default - W | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSDieselEngineMaxPower ( 2000hp ) |
MaxDieselLevel ( x ) | ENG | The maximum amount of diesel fuel the locomotive can carry. | Volume - ft^3, in^3, m^3, l, g-uk, g-us, gal, gals Default - l | As per loco specs. | Existing | MaxDieselLevel( 1180g-uk ) |
MaxTemperature ( x ) | ENG | The maximum oil temperature that will be displayed. | Temperature Difference - degC, degF Default - degC | As per loco specs. | Existing | MaxTemperature ( 120degF ) |
MaxOilPressure ( x ) | ENG | The maximum oil pressure. This occurs at maximum engine rpm. | Pressure - psi, kPa, bar, inHg Default - psi | As per loco specs. | Existing | MaxOilPressure ( 90 ) |
DieselUsedPerHourAtMaxPower ( x ) | ENG | The amount of diesel used per hour when the locomotive is at maximum power. | Volume - ft^3, in^3, m^3, l, g-uk, g-us, gal, gals Default - l | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselUsedPerHourAtMaxPower ( 53.45g-uk ) |
DieselUsedPerHourAtIdle ( x ) | ENG | The amount of diesel used per hour when the locomotive is at idle. | Volume - ft^3, in^3, m^3, l, g-uk, g-us, gal, gals Default - l | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselUsedPerHourAtIdle ( 10g-uk ) |
DieselEngineIdleRPM ( x ) | ENG | The RPM at which the diesel engine idles. | None | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselEngineIdleRPM( 450 ) |
DieselEngineMaxRPM ( x ) | ENG | The maximum RPM of the diesel engine. | None | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselEngineMaxRPM( 850 ) |
DieselEngineMaxRPMChangeRate ( x ) | ENG | The maximum rate that the engine RPM can change in one second. | None | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselEngineMaxRPMChangeRate( 40 ) |
Traction Motor | ||||||
MaxPower ( x ) | ENG | The maximum power output of the locomotive to the rail. | Power - W, kW, HP Default - W | As per loco specs. (Can be calculated from MaxContinuousForce and the speed at whiuch it occurs) | Existing | MaxPower ( 1295kW ) |
MaxForce ( x ) | ENG | The maximum force (tractive effort) that the locomotive can safely produce. Typically this is limited by the locomotive adhesion or motor overloads, and is ususally the starting force that the locomotive produces. | Force - N, kN, lbf, lb Default - N | As per loco specs. | Existing | MaxForce ( 222.411kN ) |
MaxVelocity ( x ) | ENG | The maximum velocity of the locomotive. Typically limited by the mechanical design criteria of the locomotive. | Speed - m/s, mph, kph, km/h, kmph, kmh Default - m/s | As per loco specs. | Existing | MaxVelocity ( 90mph ) |
MaxContinuousForce ( x ) | ENG | The maximum force the locomotive can continuously produce. | Force - N, kN, lbf, lb Default - N | As per loco specs. | Existing | MaxContinuousForce ( 133.446kN ) |
ORTSSpeedOfMaxContinuousForce ( x ) | ENG | The speed when maximum continuous force is produced. | Speed - m/s, mph, kph, km/h, kmph, kmh Default - m/s | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSSpeedOfMaxContinuousForce ( 11mph ) |
MaxCurrent ( x ) | ENG | The maximum current the locomotive can produce. | Current - A, Amps Default - A | As per loco specs. | Existing | MaxCurrent ( 2600A ) |
Diesel Exhaust Effects | ||||||
DieselSmokeEffectInitialMagnitude( x ) | ENG | The initial magnitude the smoke effect. | None | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselSmokeEffectInitialMagnitude( 1.7 ) |
DieselSmokeEffectMaxMagnitude( x ) | ENG | The maximum magnitude the smoke effect will reach. | None | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselSmokeEffectMaxMagnitude( 2.2 ) |
DieselSmokeEffectInitialSmokeRate( x ) | ENG | The initial rate at which smoke will be produced. | None | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselSmokeEffectInitialSmokeRate( 0.2 ) |
DieselSmokeEffectMaxSmokeRate ( x ) | ENG | The maximum rate at which smoke will be produced. | None | As per loco specs. | Existing | DieselSmokeEffectMaxSmokeRate( 10 ) |
Gear Box | ||||||
ORTSDieselTransmissionType ( Mechanic ) | ENG | The type of transmission on the locomotive. | Text Only "Mechanic" supported | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSDieselTransmissionType ( Mechanic ) |
ORTSGearBoxType | ENG | The type of gearbox used. | Text A - gives a continuous power output that is not interrupted when changing gears. B - there is a break in tractive effort when changing gear, but there is no need to adjust the throttle. | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSGearBoxType ( B ) |
ORTSMainClutchType | ENG | The type of clutch used. | Text Friction, Fluid, Scoop | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSMainClutchType ( Friction ) |
ORTSDieselEngineGovernorRpM | ENG | The engine rpm when the governor takes effect. | None | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSDieselEngineGovernorRpM ( 1500 ) |
ORTSGearBoxFreeWheel | ENG | Indicates whether a freewheel arrangement is fitted to the transmission. | 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSGearBoxFreeWheel ( 1 ) |
GearBoxOperation | ENG | Indicates type of gearbox operation. | Text Manual, Automatic | As per loco specs. | New | GearBoxOperation( Manual ) |
GearBoxNumberOfGears( 6 ) | ENG | The number of gearbox gears. | Integer | As per loco specs. | Existing | GearBoxNumberOfGears( 6 ) |
GearBoxMaxSpeedForGears | ENG | The maximum speed that each gear can achieve. | Speed - m/s, mph, kph, km/h, kmph, kmh Default - m/s | As per loco specs. | Existing | GearBoxMaxSpeedForGears( 4.5mph 6mph 9mph 14.5mph 21mph 33mph ) |
ORTSGearBoxTractiveForceatSpeed | ENG | The tractive force achieved at the speed indicated by the parameter above. | Force - N, kN, lbf, lb Default - N/td> | As per loco specs. | New | ORTSGearBoxTractiveForceatSpeed ( 35400lbf 26600lbf 17700lbf 11200lbf 7600lbf 4830lbf ) |
GearBoxMaxTractiveForceforGears | ENG | The maximum tractive force for the current gear. Note: it is better to use the above parameter wherever possible, as this is linked to a speed value. | Force - N, kN, lbf, lb Default - N/td> | As per loco specs. | Existing | GearBoxMaxTractiveForceforGears ( 35400lbf 26600lbf 17700lbf 11200lbf 7600lbf 4830lbf ) |