
These activities use different pieces of rolling stock. The readme files should provide information on the pieces of rolling stock used by each activity. Alternatively you can use Route Riter to analyse consists and activities to identify missing rolling Stock.

Once you have identified a missing piece of rolling stock, use the Rolling Stock Search page to find missing stock.

STN 759 STN 759 - Drive a railmotor replacement service between Strathfield and Hornsby, whilst work is carried out on electrical system.Based on Special Train Notice. 105.7 KB 4376x
STN 726 CTN 726 - Drive a Saturday morning Singleton passenger service between Farley and Newcastle. Based on 1958 Timetable. 172.22 KB 4325x
STN 726 CTN 644 - Drive a Fast Stock Train from Broadmeadow to Flemington. Based on 1958 North Timetable. 207.96 KB 4144x
RNM 31aa Drive a string of empty non-air coal wagons to Richmond Main Colliery - by Robert Merlo 103.86 KB 3989x
STN 035 STN 035 - You have been rostered to drive the Wirth's Bros Circus train to Honeysuckle in Newcastle on the first leg of it's northern country tour. Eventually the Circus will travel up and down the North Coast of NSW. 189.5 KB 3885x
CTN 803 CTN 803 - Drive the first commuter train of the day from Toronto to Newcastle. The carriages for this train were left overnight at Toronto as the locomotive on the last train was often used to "bank" coal trains up Fassifern Bank. It is early and the sun is still not up yet. Fortunately it is spring so the weather isn't freezing - Based on 1958 Timetable. 174.54 KB 3999x
CTN 118 CTN 118 - It is a cool autumn morning. You are rostered on run 118 and have booked on this morning at approximately 6am. Leaving the Hornsby Car sheds with your first run of the day, out to Cowan. This is your second run of the day as you take the early morning commuter train from Cowan to Strathfield. It should be an uneventful run so stick to the timetable to get your passengers to work on time. From Hornsbyy there will be a number of services in front of you so stick to the timetable - This activity has been created using the NSWGR 1958 Metro Timetable. 184.25 KB 4320x
CTN 937 (Inward) CTN 937 - Drive 937 Coal service from Northern Colliery to Port Waratah. You will pass a number of different services on the way and be overtaken by a number of services. This is a slow service - Based on 1958 Main Northern Timetable. 177.33 KB 4226x