NSWGR Locomotive Operation - Steam

The documents on this page provide information relating to the operation of Steam Locomotives.

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Operation and Management of Steam Locomotives - A guide and Book of Special Instructions of Locomotive Engine Drivers, Firemen and Trainee Enginemen - Part I - 1961 Operation and Management of Steam Locomotives - A guide and Book of Special Instructions of Locomotive Engine Drivers, Firemen and Trainee Enginemen - Part I - 1961 - This publication was issued to railway staff to provide guidance on the operation of steam Locomotives. - ©RailCorp 1961 996x
Operation and Management of Steam Locomotives - A guide and Book of Special Instructions of Locomotive Engine Drivers, Firemen and Trainee Enginemen - Part II - 1963 Operation and Management of Steam Locomotives - A guide and Book of Special Instructions of Locomotive Engine Drivers, Firemen and Trainee Enginemen - Part II - 1963 - This publication was issued to railway staff to provide guidance on the operation of steam Locomotives. - ©RailCorp 1963 866x
Description and Operation of 38 Class Locomotives also Westinghouse A.6.ET Brake Equipment - 1947 Description and Operation of 38 Class Locomotives also Westinghouse A.6.ET Brake Equipment - 1947 - This publication was issued to railway staff to provide guidance on the operation of C38 steam Locomotives. - ©RailCorp 1947 899x
Guide and Book of Instructions for those concerned in the Operation of Steam Locomotives Fitted for Burning Fuel Oils - 1950 Guide and Book of Instructions for those concerned in the Operation of Steam Locomotives Fitted for Burning Fuel Oils - 1950 - This publication was issued to railway locomotive staff to provide guidance on the operation of oil burning steam Locomotives. - ©RailCorp 1950 350x
Standard HT Stoker - Description and Instructions for Care, Operation and Maintenance - 1952 Standard HT Stoker - Description and Instructions for Care, Operation and Maintenance - 1952 - This publication was published by the Standard Stoker Company to describe the maintenance of the HT stoker. - ©RailCorp 1952 114x
Detroit Bullseye Locomotive Lubricators - 1913 Detroit Bullseye Locomotive Lubricators - 1913 - This publication was published by the Detroit Lubricator Company to describe the maintenance of the locomotive lubricator. - ©RailCorp 1913 110x