Open Rails Test Environment And Physics Description
25 October 2024 - Updated CTN Test Route
17 July 2024 - Oil Fired Locomotive added.
16 July 2024 - Wood Fired Locomotive added.
01 March 2024 - Added Southern Pacific oil burning locomotive test reports.
13 February 2022 - Updated BR DoG Locomotive.
Open Rails is an open source train simulator that is currently being developed, and new features are continually being added to it. Open Rails have set as one of its aims that train performance should mirror real life operation as closely as possible. Thus a way of comparing the train's performance in the simulator, and in real life is critical to achieve this outcome. In addition, when a problem is identified, it is important to be able identify the problem, or if necessary communicate it in a way that makes it easy for different people to compare outcomes and provide suggested remedies.
The guidelines and methodology in the following pages describe a common and consistent test environment that allows all users to test locomotives and rolling stock against real life scenarios. They allow the testing of the locomotive, under 'controlled' conditions, which eliminates as many unknowns as possible.
This site guide covers the type of information that is available on this site, should be considered by the tester. It is suggested that the background information is read thoroughly first, and then the tester can review each of the relevant sections of the
Background Information
- Research and Prototype Data - Importance of correctly setting, and researching prototypical information for your rolling stock.
- Units of Measure for OR - Describes the different UoM available in OR
- Description of OR Steam Model
- File Structures and Layout - Describes the structure and layout of
ENG andWAG files for Open Rails, and provides some example templates.
Prototype Information
- General description of steam locomotives principles of operation
- Introduction to Diesel Train Physics
- Locomotive Adhesion - Description of the physics impacting a locomotives adhesion, and slip properties.
- Train Resistance - Description of different types of resistance impacting a train's operation, and the principal track geometry parameters.
- Tonnage Loads of Trains
- Train Resistance
- Adhesion
- Derailment
- Train Brakes
- Wagon Steam Heating
ENG / WAG File Sections
- General Wagon Parameters - Description of settings used for general wagon definition.
- Couplers - Description of settings used.
- Air Brakes - Description of common brake configurations and settings used.
- Brake Parameters - OR Parameters used to define air brake settings.
- Brake Controllers - BrakeController tokens used in OR to define air brake settings.
- Vacuum Brakes - Description of common brake configurations and settings used.
- Brake Parameters - OR Parameters used to define vacuum brake settings.
- Brake Controllers - BrakeController tokens used in OR to define vacuum brake settings.
- Resistance Setting - Description of how to set resistance parameters.
- Resistance Calculation - Describes some of the different ways to calculate the resistance of a wagon.
- Resistance Parameters - OR Parameters used to define resistance settings.
- Lights - Description of settings used for lights.
- Light Parameters - OR Parameters used to define light settings.
- Visual Effects - Description of settings used for setting visual effects on locomotives and wagons
- Steam Locomotive Setup - Description of basic settings used.
- Advanced Steam Parameters - Description of settings that can be used by advanced content modellers
- Diesel Locomotive Setup - Description of basic settings used.
- Diesel Parameters - Advanced - OR Parameters used to define advanced diesel settings.
- Sound Settings - Description of setting up sounds in Openrails.
- Sound Event Parameters - OR Parameters used to define sound settings.
- Control Car Setup - Description of basic settings used.
- Engine Controllers - Description of basic settings used to set up a controller in a locomotive.
- Engine Controllers - OR parameters used to define engine controls on a locomotive.
- Cab Controls - Description of basic settings used to set up a cab control in a locomotive.
- Cab Control Parameters - OR parameters used to define cab controls on a locomotive.
Testing of Rolling Stock
- Test Reports and Resources
- Test Route
- Test Stock - Locomotives and wagons.
- Demonstration Activities
- Heads Up Display (HUD)
- Typical Tests and outcomes
- Train Load Estimator
- Route Building Parameters - describes some route building parameters that may need to be inserted to compliment physics.
- Route Building Demonstration - provides a route building kit to assist new route builders to practice their skills.
OR Operation
Some simple converters are located on this page to assist in moving between imperial and metric units of measure.
Note: Information currently provided is, to the best of my knowledge correct at the time of writing. Full responsibility is on the user for any problems created by using this information.
Physics Setting Philosophy - only key configuration parameters will be changed between individual units, this may not achieve a true realistic response, but will allow comparative response between different units.
Online Tools and Calculators
Some simple online tools and converters are provided to support the development of physics for steam locomotives and trains:
- Units of Measure - converts between imperial and metric units of measure, such as length, distance, volume, speed, force, gradients.
- Visual Effects Angle Calculator - calculates the axis values required for a specific angle on a visual effect.
- Force - converts imperial force to metric units of measure (Newtons).
- Brake Force - calculates braking forces and associated parameters.
- Wagon Brake and Handbrake Force - calculates brake forces for locomotives and wagons.
- Brake Cylinder Size - calculates size of brake cylinder required.
- Brake Pipe Volume - calculates the volume of the train brake pipe on a wagon.
- Reservoir Charging Rate - calculates the charging rate of the main air compressor.
- Boiler Parameter - Saturated - calculates tractive effort, steam generation, coals usage, grate area, evaporation area, and boiler volume.
- Boiler Parameter - Superheated - calculates tractive effort, steam generation, coals usage, grate area, evaporation area, and boiler volume.
- Steam and Water Usage - Imperial - calculates steam and water usage based upon the design sizes of the steam cylinder, and throttle settings.
- Steam and Water Usage - Metric - calculates steam and water usage based upon the design sizes of the steam cylinder, and throttle settings.
- Curve Speed - converts curve radius from degrees to other units (such as metres, etc), calculates various speed limits around curves.
- Steam Locomotive Critical Speed - calculates critical speed of the locomotive, ie speed at which maximum power is developed.
- Steam Train Load Estimator - estimates the maximum load hauling capacity of a steam locomotive.
- Diesel Train Load Estimator - estimates the maximum load hauling capacity of a steam locomotive.
Open Rails Physics Parameters
Some of the key parameters used by Open Rails to define the physics and operation of railway locomotive, wagons and cars can be found on the following pages:
- Route building - describes the parameters used to define features in the route.
- General wagon - describes the parameters used to define general parameters on the wagon.
- Load animation - describes the parameters used to define load animation parameters on the wagon.
- Cab controls - describes the parameters used to define cab controls.
- Air Brakes - describes the parameters used to define air brake operation.
- Vacuum brakes - describes the parameters used to define vacuum brake operation.
- Lights - describes the parameters used to define the operation of lights.
- Resistance - describes the parameters used to define adhesion.
- Steam (basic) - describes the parameters used to define a standard steam locomotive.
- Steam (advanced) - describes the parameters used to define an advanced steam locomotive setup.
- Diesel (basic) - describes the parameters used to define a standard diesel locomotive.
- Diesel (advanced) - describes the parameters used to define an advanced diesel locomotive setup.
- Sound events - describes the parameters used to trigger various sound events.
- Units of Measure (UoM) - describes the UoM parameters.
- Engine Controllers - describes the engine controller parameters used to define an engine contol on a locomotive.
Expressions of Interest
I am seeking people who are interested in supporting of the development of this standard (approach) to work with me.
The types of tasks that would be needed to advance the development:
- Researching for most "optimal" configuration parameters.
- Documenting findings.
- Testing.
- Converting wag and eng files.
If you are interested, please contact me through the Contact page.
Text Legend
Text used in wag and eng files will be colour coded as below:
Green - text that stays the same and does not need to be altered.
Red - text that needs to be altered to suit stock unit.
Blue - text that provides explanations about code.