Operational Documents

The documents on this page provide information relating to the day to day operation of trains and the railway.

These documents are designed to be viewed on line. They have been set up to progressively load, however some of them are quite large and will take some time to display the full document. (Note: These documents may not be downloaded or distributed without the authors permission)

Engine Load Tables for All Trains - 1916 Engine Load Tables for All Trains - 1916 - This document was published for use by railway employees and had information loads for various trains, etc. - ©RailCorp 1916 475x
Engine Loads General Instructions - 1936 Engine Loads General Instructions - 1936 - This publication was issued to staff to assist in the making up of trains to the correct loadings. - ©RailCorp 1936 468x
Engine Loads General Instructions Engine Loads General Instructions - This publication was issued to staff to assist in the making up of trains to the correct loadings. - ©RailCorp 1949 524x
Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1948 Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1948 - This document was published for use by railway employees and was a complete list of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, and where they were situated. - ©RailCorp 1948 478x
Weekly Notice - No. 33 - 1969 Weekly Notice - No. 33 - 1969 - This publication was issued to staff every week to advise of changes to rules, timetables, as well as provide information on other general operational matters. - ©RailCorp 1969 509x
Weekly Notice - No. 34 - 1946 Weekly Notice - No. 34 - 1946 - This publication was issued to staff every week to advise of changes to rules, timetables, as well as provide information on other general operational matters. - ©RailCorp 1946 460x
Weekly Notice - No. 36 - 1946 Weekly Notice - No. 36 - 1946 - This publication was issued to staff every week to advise of changes to rules, timetables, as well as provide information on other general operational matters. - ©RailCorp 1946 454x
Railway Manual (War) - 1942 Railway Manual (War) - 1942 - This manual was compiled in collaboration with the Australian railway authorities for the guidance of all concerned in movmenet by rail of troops, transport and stores within the Commonwealth. It covered topics such as general description of Australian railways, organisation for control of military movements, lines of communication, distribution of freight railway stock, movement of stores, movement of troops, movement of sick and wounded, movement of mechanical vehicles. - ©Australian Military Forces 1942 461x
Sydney Platform List - 1956 Sydney Platform List - 1956 - This document showed the arrival and departure of trains at Sydney Terminal Station. It incuded the destination, or origin of the train, arrival or departure time, and the platform number for the train. - ©RailCorp 1956 243x
Sydney Platform List - 1971 Sydney Platform List - 1971 - This document showed the arrival and departure of trains at Sydney Terminal Station. It incuded the destination, or origin of the train, arrival or departure time, and the platform number for the train. - ©RailCorp 1971 516x
Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1961 Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1961 - This document was published for use by railway employees and was a complete list of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, and where they were situated. - ©RailCorp 1961 483x
Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1979 Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1979 - This document was published for use by railway employees and was a complete list of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, and where they were situated. - ©RailCorp 1979 446x
Ambulance Corp's Handbook - 1912 Ambulance Corp's Handbook - 1912 - This document was published for use by railway employees to administer first aid. - ©RailCorp 1912 469x
Remote Control Signalling on Single Lines - 1981 Remote Control Signalling on Single Lines - 1981 - This document was published for use by railway employees to provide information on CTC signalling. - ©RailCorp 1981 505x
Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1932 Alphabetical List of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, showing where situated - 1932 - This document was published for use by railway employees and was a complete list of Stations, Platforms, Sidings and Collieries, and where they were situated. - ©RailCorp 1932 443x
Sydney Platform List - 1976 Sydney Platform List - 1976 - This document showed the arrival and departure of trains at Sydney Terminal Station. It incuded the destination, or origin of the train, arrival or departure time, and the platform number for the train. - ©RailCorp 1976 454x
Sydney Platform List - 1979 Sydney Platform List - 1979 - This document showed the arrival and departure of trains at Sydney Terminal Station. It incuded the destination, or origin of the train, arrival or departure time, and the platform number for the train. - ©RailCorp 1979 498x
Rules and Regulations - 1907 Rules and Regulations - 1907 - Every Employee supplied with this Book must make himself thoroughly acquainted with, and will be held responsible for a knowledge of and compliance with, the whole of the following Rules and Regulations. - ©RailCorp 1907 462x
Particulars of Parcels Obliterating Stamps, Seal Presses, Ticket Punches and Regulations Governing their use - 1963 Particulars of Parcels Obliterating Stamps, Seal Presses, Ticket Punches and Regulations Governing their use - 1963 - This publication was issued for the information of employees in how to use parcel stamps, ticket punches and seal presses. - ©RailCorp 1963 429x
Working of Electric Trains - Regulations for the Guidance of Employees working in the Electrified Areas - 1943 Working of Electric Trains - Regulations for the Guidance of Employees working in the Electrified Areas - 1943 - This document was published by the railways and provided staff working in electrified areas of the railways with valuable information.- ©RailCorp 1943 79x