Open Rails Control Car Parameters

Aim - this section describes the basic "optimal" settings for control car related parameters in Open Rails (OR) ENG files.

For realistic performance it is important to set the Open Rails diesel parameters to calculate the correct values.

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Key Open Rails Parameters for Control Cars


Some train configurations consist of a number of cars which can run in either direction and are powered by a single locomotive. For example, a two car diesel set which has a powered car, and an unpowered car. To allow travel in either direction a drivers cab is fitted in bot cars. The unpowered car needs to have a cabview configured for it as well as some relevant controls to allow it to operate the train. This can be done by setting up a Control Car.


Key Open Rails Parameters for Control Cars

Typically a control car will NOT have the following types of equipment configured in the ENG file (ie., they can be left out):

  • Diesel engine.
  • Power and tractive force information.
  • Air compressor and main reservoir.

However other components such as the brake valves, engine controllers and gauges, cabviews, etc will need to be configured into the Control car ENG file. To specify that the car is a control car Type ( Control ) must be set in the engine section of the ENG file.

The Control Car uses most of the same parameters as the diesel locomotive, and hence reference should be made to this page for more details on the parameters needed.

If the Control Car is "linked" with a geared power car then it will be necessary for the control car to have a gear box controller. To get OR to set it up, it will be necessary for the GearBoxControllerNumberofGears ( x ) , where x = number of gears in the associated power car, parameter to be added to the engine section of the ENG file.

A two car railcar demonstration model based upon the concept of a Control Car has been configured for use in Open Rails. Have a look at it to see the type of configurations that are required in the ENG file.
