Test Route
Test Route Introduction
This test track has been developed to assist modellers to develop and test Open Rails physics parameters under common and reproducible conditions. To support this route a number of pieces of rolling stock have been developed and configured to work in Open rails, additionally a number of activities have been developed to demonstrate how to test some of the different aspects of the Open Rails physics, and are on the test page.
The test route also showcases extra features that have been incorporated into Open Rails, and demonstrates how these feature can be set up. For more detail on how to set up extra features go to the Route Design page.
If you wish to provide any feedback or suggest corrections, please use the Contact page. Please provide appropriate references.
Note: As the test route supports animated turntables, trying to open it with MSTS Route Editor may cause error messages due to inconsistencies with the
The test route below is designed for "normal" operations, and has a steepest gradient of 1 in 25 (4.0%). For geared steam locomotive which often operated on steeper gradients you may wish to use the Langley Vale Timber Tramway which has gradients of up to 14.4% ( 1 in 7 ).
Test Route Description
The test track below has been set up with a series of interconnecting loops, with gradients as follows:
- Long outer circuit - Level
- Loop 1 - 1 in 100 (1.0%) and 1 in 40 (2.50%)
- Loop 2 - 1 in 25 (4.0%) and 1 in 80 (1.25%)
- Loop 3 - 1 in 33 (3.0%) and 1 in 50 (2.0%)
- Loop 4 - 1 in 70 (1.43%)
A section of undulating track that rises and falls on a 1 in 50 (2%) gradient is included to test the effect of undulating track on stock.
The route has single and double track configuration with driving designed for left hand operation. A schematic of the route is shown in the figure below.

Demonstration Features
For testing purposes, the route also demonstrates the following features as well:
- Water Column
- Coal Stage
- Water Troughs
- Tunnels
- Different radius curves
- Trees taken "off" the tracks
- Turntable animation
- Multiple Car Spawners
- Signalling
The test route provides the following basic test conditions:
- Load hauling up the gradient - start at the relevant Bottom Station and run up the respective gradient to the relevant Top Station.
- Starting on a gradient - start at the relevant bottom of the gradient, and run up the respective gradient to the relevant Top Station.
- Braking Capability - Start at relevant Top Station and run down the gradient to Bottom Station
- Level Operation - Run between End of Line and Bottom station
- Train resistance - Test for level, curve, gradient and tunnel resistance.
- Curve Speed - Test curve speed.
- Freight Coal - Loading / Unloading facility.
- Signalling - Three position signals between NE Corner Station and NW Corner Station.
- Rack Railway - Tests rack railway stock operation.
Standard paths
A standard set of paths has been created, including the following. These paths should be checked against their names (see Path details in RHS of OR options screen) to ensure that the correct path is selected. The path name is shown in bold in the following list, with the Starting station and Heading to station shown after it.
Braking -
- Braking - 1 in 25: Top Station - 25 - Brake to End of Line
- Braking - 1 in 40: Top Station - 40 - Brake to End of Line
Load Haulage - Climbing
- Climb 1 in 25 (4%) Bank: Bottom Station - 40 & 25 to Top Station - 25
- Climb 1 in 33 (3.0%) Bank: Bottom Station - 40 & 25 to Hilltop Loop
- Climb 1 in 40 (2.5%) Bank: Bottom Station - 40 & 25 to Top Station - 40
- Climb 1 in 50 (2.0%) Bank: Bottom Station - 50 to Hilltop Loop
- Climb 1 in 70 (1.43%) Bank: Bottom - 1 in 70 grade to Top Station 40
- Climb 1 in 80 (1.25%) Bank: Bottom Station - 80 to Top Station - 25
- Climb 1 in 100 (1.0%) Bank: Bottom Station - 100 to Top Station - 40
Load Haulage - Starting on Gradient
- Start - 1 in 70 (1.43%) Gradient: Bottom - Start on 1 in 70 Grade to Top Station 40
- Rolling - 1 in 25: Top Slope - 25 - Roll to Bottom Station - 40 & 25
- Rolling - 1 in 40: Top Slope - 40 - Roll to Bottom Station - 40 & 25
Level Running
- Level Grade: Outer Loop - NE Corner Station to Outer Loop - SW Corner Station
Running through tunnels
- Single Track Tunnel: Hilltop Loop to Bottom Station - 50
- Double Track Tunnel: Outer Loop - NW Corner to Station Outer Loop - SW Corner Station
Curve Tests
- Curve Branch Down: Outer Loop - SW Corner Station to Curve Branch Station
- Curve Branch Up: Curve Branch Station to Station - NE Corner
- Turntable - Static: Turntable - Static - Entry to Turntable - Static - Exit
- Turntable (Defined in Tsection): Turntable - Tsection - Entry to Turntable - Tsection - Exit
- Undulating Track - 1 in 50 (2%): Outer Loop - NE Corner Station to Outer Loop - SW Corner Station
- Carspawners: Bottom Station - 40 & 25 to End of Line - Common
- Freight and Fuel Loading: Outer Loop - SW Corner Station to Outer Loop - SW Corner Station
- Level Run Over Water Trough: Outer Loop - SW Corner Station to Outer Loop - NE Corner Station
- Loading / Unloading: Loading to Unloading
- Rack Railway: Ascent / Descent.
Additional paths can be created as required in Track Viewer, which is a contributed tool included with Open Rails.
Typically most tests will be undertaken in the 'Explorer' mode by selecting the relevant path and consist name, however some activities are available for testing specific functions. Refer to the Testing Page.
You will need to build consists with the correct loadings for the test required.
Test Route Download
By default the route and associated rolling stock and activities will be installed in a folder

Note: As the test route supports animated turntables, trying to open it with MSTS Route Editor may cause error messages due to inconsistencies with the