Information for Private Railways

The documents on this page provide plans relating to Private Railways in NSW.

These documents are designed to be viewed on line. They have been set up to progressively load, however some of them are quite large and will take some time to display the full document. (Note: These documents may not be downloaded or distributed without the authors permission)

Gradient Diagrams and Track Plans for parts of South Maitland Coalfields Gradient Diagrams and Track Plans for parts of South Maitland Coalfields - This document contains gradient profiles for the Bellbird, Pelton, Richmond Main and South Maitlands Railways. It also includes track layout drawings for the Richmond Main and the Weston-Pelaw Main Railway - ©CandA various 2798x
Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of Traffic on the Wolgan Valley Railway Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of Traffic on the Wolgan Valley Railway - This document contains information on the rules and regulations to be used by staff operating the Wolgan Valley Railway - ©Commonwealth Oil Corporation Ltd 571x